August 2022 Portfolio Allocation
86% stocks,
10% real estate,
3% private equity, and
1% cash.
Including as a percentage of total:
* $NET 20%
* $TSLA 12%
* $AMZN 9%
* $GOOG 6%
Stocks are approx 60% tech (largest listed above) and then index or index-adjacent at Saber Capital, $VEA, $QQQ, etc.
Real estate includes small pieces of:
- 14 acres commercial land Montana
- 15-room hotel in Colorado
- 40-room motel in Colorado
- 80k sq ft industrial in New Jersey
- multi-family apartments in Kentucky
- multi-family apartments in Los Angeles
- 2BR apartment in Hawaii
- 1BR apartment in Budapest
- 1BR apartment in Tokyo
- small island near Halifax, Canada
As of 2022-08-08, there exists a margin loan representing 7% of total assets.
Portfolio allocation does not include assets under 2% and some numbers rounded or manually adjusted.