Tri Peak Holdings

A small family office.
Like, really small.
I buy and hold. Mostly public stocks, mostly tech, and mostly forever.Managed and owned entirely by Nick Gray.


May 2024 portfolio allocation82% stocks
11% real estate
7% cash and other
including as a pctg of total
* $NET 19%
* $AMZN 10%
* $GOOG 7%
* $TSLA 6%
* $VEA 6%
Stocks are mostly tech with the largest positions listed above. And then index-adjacent such as $VTI, $IVV, $QQQ, $BRKB. All stocks are self-managed except a bit at Saber Capital and another place.Real estate includes significant pieces of:
* 15-room hotel in Colorado
* 40-room motel in Colorado
* 14 acres commercial land Montana
* 33k sq ft industrial in Montana
* 80k sq ft industrial in New Jersey
* single-family homes with SFR3
Real estate assets are conservatively valued, usually at my basis. Some numbers rounded.I do not do angel investing, VC, or crypto.


Nick's 2024 Charitable Donations Tracker
Google Sheets file, updated monthly
Inspired by Jack Dorsey's $1B donation.In 2021 I made a $1M donation to kick myself in the pants and move faster. Then my DAF was down 25% and I put giving on hold. Slowly restarting.2023-11-19 giving update
I still haven't given nearly enough, but at least my DAF isn't down as much as holding the $TSLA would have been.
For considerations or suggestions, email.- Family office home page
- List of investments / asset allocation


Tri Peak Holdings LLCNick Gray's cell phone: